Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First Step in Health Alternatives

As mankind stepped into the industrial age, we created a seemingly irreversible trend in disease that is associated with heavy metals and environmental toxins. The amount of toxins that are released every day in the world is staggering to imagine. Some everyday exposures that we face are the scotch guard in carpeting, and Teflon surfaces on cooking equipment. A recent study of infants umbilical cord blood indicated the presence of both of these dangerous toxins. Environmental toxins and heavy metals are linked with most diseases of today, some of which include auto-immune diseases like cancer, diabetes, HIV-Aids, certain digestive disorders, the list goes on indefinitely.

There is a simple solution to the heavy metal and environmental toxin problem, enter liquid zeolite. There is an all natural mineral that exists, that when purified and properly contained can exist in its natural negatively charged state. When small amounts of this liquid zeolite are taken by adding to food or liquids or placed directly onto the tongue, it acts on an inter-cellular basis to remove positively charged heavy metals and toxins from the body that are simply eliminated through the urinary tract. These zeolites can collect staggering amounts of positively charged material in a honeycomb like framework of cavities and channels that are simply dumped from the body. This zeolite is 100% natural and non-toxic. It helps balance pH levels and supports a healthy immune system as well.

My family has had dramatic results from this liquid zeolite product. Our 19 year old daughter was diagnosed with Invasive Ductile Carcinoma (breast cancer) last year. Besides the tradition treatments of surgery, chemo-therapy, hormone therapy and radiation, she took an aggressive dose of the liquid zeolite (60 drops a day) from diagnosis until declared cancer free. Some of the benefits she enjoyed as a result of the constant high level detoxification was a high energy level, she did not significantly change her lifestyle for treatments, except for taking the time out of her schedule for the treatments. She maintained her schedule of training and teaching as a 2nd degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do. The only side effect she had from chemo was the loss of some of her hair. She did not loose it all and it started to grow back before she was through all of her chemo regiment. She had one night of slight nausea during her entire regiment of chemo. Due to her age, her treatment plan was very aggressive. She took 3 on-line college classes while she was undergoing radiation treatment and never felt tired or run down and her recovery from the radiation burns was fast.

The liquid zeolite product is of benefit for healthy people as well. My entire immediate family enjoys the health benefits of having only a baseline of toxins in their body that are removed by the zeolite and replace by the atmosphere on a constant turnover. There is no illness, and faster recovery from injury from using the zeolite product.