Friday, December 26, 2008

Garbage In - Not Always Garbage Out

Wouldn't it be nice if the heavy metals and toxins we consume through the air we breath, the food we eat and the fluids we drink would as easily leave our bodies? The truth is that they don't. Not only do they stay in but they do tremendous damage while they are in there. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and many other common and uncommon health problems can and usually are the result of toxic burden in the body.

There is a solution!!

Activated zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that is processed to provide a source for high quality oral chelation therapy. This is a simple nutritional supplement that can safely be taken by anyone of any age and cannot be overdosed. Activated zeolite does not prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease, but can aid in recovery by eliminating the heavy metals and toxins that created the toxic burden.

My daughter, that is a breast cancer survivor, had several weeks of intense radiation therapy and never had any of the fatigue that is generally associated with this treatment. She had some radiation burns like sun burns, but no other symptoms at all. While she was away to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, she stayed healthy, continued her college education through on-line courses and continued her regiment of daily intense exercise. She had no adverse physical reaction to chemotherapy other than loosing some hair, and her hair grew back while she was still undergoing the chemo. She has been cancer free non-recurrent for almost a year now and with the aid of the activated zeolite and other supplements she is taking, we believe that she will remain cancer free.

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