Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heavy Metals Linked to Cancer

Smoke stacks (LOC)Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr

Heavy metals like cadmium, arsenic, lead, mercury, nickle, iron, copper, aluminum, and beryllium have been linked to causing cancer and other dread diseases and disorders. These heavy metals are found in the air we breath, the food we eat, and the water we drink. They are virtually everywhere. They cannot be avoided. It is possible to limit exposure if someone would know all of the exposures and limit one's activities to avoid them, but there would still be unknown exposures. The trick is to live a lifestyle without fear in the face of heavy metal exposure and potential cancer diagnosis.

The problem is that these free radical heavy metals replace other vital minerals in the body causing immune deficiencies. Enzyme activity is disrupted when heavy metals replace these minerals. This enzyme disruption can cause DNA damage to cells and cause cancers to occur.

Zinc finger proteins are necessary for cell division. If mercury or cadmium has replaced the zinc in this protein, cell division cannot occur in those cells. This causes problems with healing from wounds, or surgeries, etc.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

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