Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Miracle Cancer Survivors

T helper cell functionImage via Wikipedia

There are people who survive cancer without medical intervention or despite medical intervention. Patients who were sent home to die under hospice care or people who refused medical intervention suddenly stage a miraculous and unprecedented recovery. How does this happen?

The medical community dismissed it as a fluke, as expected. What they don't know, they don't want to know. What they don't know can hurt and kill others. The close mindedness of some doctors absolutely astounds and frustrates me. I thought they all had scientific interests and should jump at a chance to examine such events.

It appears that there is a link between unrelated illness during cancer that triggers an immune response that strengthens the immune system to fight the cancer as well. Can an active and vibrant immune system fight and kill cancer cells? Can alternative and complementary health care be more than a placebo effect for cancer patients? It seems that this may be the case. Nutrition and supplementation may be the new cancer treatment.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!
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Tony Liu said...

Modern medicine kills everything,including youe immune system. And therefore,cancer will rebound in those cancer patient.

Jay said...

Thanks for the comment Tony, that is my experience as well. We have had good results with proper diet and supplementation. The supplements appear to restore the immune system. Western medicine does not discriminate against harmful chemicals when they produce drugs.
