Thursday, June 18, 2009

10 Reasons to Avoid Soda Pop

Here is a list of ten reasons to avoid soda pop complete with simplified explanations. There are subtle differences in brands of soda pop and the chemicals listed below vary in proportion from one formula to the next, but are contained is varying degrees in most soda pop formulas.

1. The phosphoric acid dilutes the hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract causing poor digestion.

2. The phosphoric acid spikes the body pH to an acid state from an alkaline state creating an excellent environment for disease to take hold.

3. Adding the extra phosphorous to the body sets off the 1 to 1 ratio of calcium and phosphorous required in the blood and calcium is removed from bones and teeth to restore the balance. This exchange action causes osteoporosis.

4. Carbonation irritates the stomach. The body calls for calcium to calm the irritation once again disrupting the calcium - phosphorous balance and removing calcium from bones and teeth.

5. Carbonation causes belching which in turn causes acids from the stomach to rise up past the esophageal value (acid reflux). The stomach acid dissolves tissue as is its purpose, causing lesions to occur. Lesions are tissue damage where cancer cells can take hold.

6. Caffeine causes dehydration thus causing a massive depletion of vital minerals.

7. Sugar also causes dehydration and a massive loss of vital minerals.

8. Sugar reduces the white blood cells ability to destroy bacteria. This low immune function can last up to 5 hours after sugar is consumed.

9. Sugar substitutes used in sugarless pops have not been adequately researched and have been linked to dangerous chemicals and environmental toxins.

10. Despite the plastic coating on the inside of soda pop cans, aluminum is still leached into the soda pop. Aluminum in brain tissue is linked to Alzheimer's disease.

This is the time of year when there is the most soda pop consumption. The information listed above has caused me to rethink my attitude about what I drink.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

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