Friday, June 12, 2009

Second Brain or Take Care of Your Gut

Did you know that your gut contains more neuro-transmitters than your brain? It only stands to reason then that we should take care of that gut area. This area contains our liver, kidneys, bladder, large and small intestines, stomach and spleen. I was recently introduced to an series of acupressure points that support the gut by flushing toxins and rearranging the energy flow to and from those organs. If there is something wrong with our gut, more energy is required to stabilize it and less energy then is available for transfer to other areas of our body. The reason for my introduction to this technique was chronic low back pain. Here is the testimonial I left for Doctor Hestdalen.

My name is Jay and I am a third Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. As a martial arts instructor, I have to be flexible, strong and fast in motion. I have suffered from chronic low back pain for the last 41 years and this pain level has increased as I aged until it has begun to affect my activity level. Required activities like kicking, jumping, turning, sweeping and falling cause an incresed level of pain that now affects sleep. Reducing the toxic burden of my system or Second Brain has really helped. I am once again sleeping through the night without difficulty and am resuming a more normal activity level at the gym.

When I added the acupressuure points, as taught by Dr. Hestdalen in his Second Brain Teleseminar, I noticed a significant relief in my low back pain. I have increased my efforts to reduce my toxic burden and the energy drain that has been aggravating my low back for years. I recommend the Second Brain Teleseminar to anyone with chronic pain. Following the steps given is easy and the results are priceless.

Here are the three steps that I used to nearly completely eliminate my low back pain.

1. See chiropractor for spinal manipulation and reduce activity for a couple of days.

2. Increase level of intake on oral chelation supplement (activated liquid zeolite) to remove sequestered heavy metals and environmental toxins.

3. Use the Second Brain Acupressure techniques as described in the Second Brain Teleseminar.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!
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