Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dodging H1N1 and others!

Are you concerned about Swine Flu or H1N1?

Prevention is more fun than treatment and lingering until it passes.

Support your immune system and contagious diseases can be avoided without vaccines. It is not difficult to understand that in order to stay healthy we need to take care of ourselves in many aspects of our lives. Diet, exercise, nutrition, stress avoidance, mental health all play a part in boosting boosting the immune system.

I used to get sick 5 or 6 times per year with sinus infections that would last up to 3 weeks. I have not been sick since December of 2007. Here's is what changed in my daily routine since then.

1. I remove environmental toxins and heavy metals daily with an activated liquid zeolite,

2. I balance the pH of my body with the same zeolite.

3. I prevent the replication of viruses with the zeolite product as well.

4. I eat less animal protein from all sources.

5. I supplement my diet with a whole food based multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, super antioxidant, and herbal liquid nutrition product.

6. I take an immune boosting liquid agarigus blazei mushroom and sasa bamboo supplement that regenerates the natural killer cells of the immune system.

7. Although I had regularly exercised, I now walk every day besides my martial arts training 2 days per week.

8. I am more careful about what I eat.

These 8 activities that I use to avoid getting sick are simple and work when nothing else has to keep me healthy.

See the side bar for more information on products and the webinar in immune support.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

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