Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Complementary Medicine for Cancer

Many people have now turned to complementary medicine to help with the effects of cancer and cancer treatment. This is not to say that any of them have rejected traditional medicine, just supplement it with extras like prayer and meditation, nutritional supplements, relaxation techniques and more.

My middle daughter has used those listed above with great results. Oral chelation with supplements removed the toxins that come with the chemotherapy before they could make her sick. A nutrition supplement replenished her dietary needs. Prayer and meditation relaxed her and put her in an accepting frame of mind. See the link below for more concise information on Complementary Medicine for Cancer Patients. Link is to Natural

Cancer Patients Turning to Complementary Medicine to Increase Wellness

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

Not Just Another Toxin

The sources of aluminum are staggering. It can be picked up almost anywhere, in food, vaccines, food packaging, cooking pots and pans, soft drink cans, the list goes on. The following link provides details as to how this insidious toxin enters the body and causes damage.

This,that, and the other: side effect of tetanus vaccine-aluminium hydroxide

Aluminum can be removed from the body quite easily with activated liquid zeolite.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why Supplements are Necessary

The soil can no longer support the same quality of nutrients in fruits and vegetables as it once did. The soil has been raped and pillaged for a long time and proper renewal has not taken place.

There are excerpts in the rest of the post from a Health, Wealth and Wisdom Newsletter from Waiora International, LLC to its distributors, dated March 2008, by an unlisted author. The newsletter is in the public domain and was issued for public consumption. There are no copyright issues to deal with. It is not online so linking is impossible.

Fruits and Vegetables are no Longer Enough.

Technological advancements along with consumer demand have negatively affected our current-day food supply, particularly for those who want to eat well.

Food is now harvested before it is ripe, and the soil in certain parts of the U.S. has become depleted of most of its valuable nutrients. Then there are other factors such a pesticide and herbicide residue, chemical additives and preservatives, storage/distribution/transportation and finally cooking.

All of this has weakened the micro-nutrient content of our food by the time is reaches our mouths, and this has created a false sense of security when it comes to the recommended daily amounts of essential vitamins and minerals we think we are taking in.

Check out this example:
Amounts of Vitamin C in 100 grams of Spinach
1950 = 150 mg
1963 = 100 mg
1982 = 63 mg
1994 = 013 mg.

The solution:
A complete, whole food, multi-nutrient supplement is a sensible health care strategy for those who want to take control of their own health. My family and I take "Essential Daily Nutrients" every day to support our health and nutrition requirements.

Check out the Nutritional Supplement information in the sidebar hyperlinks "Related Links".

Be Happy Stay Active!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plan Your Garden

It a good time of year to plan a garden. The snow is on the ground. I'm looking forward to spring, Cabin fever is living in me. I want to be outside again.

Sound familiar. Its time to plan the garden. An activity that takes me from now to planting time. There are so many items to plan and prepare. Everyone who gardens must decide what they will plant; how and where they will buy the seeds or plants; what varieties of plant will grow the best in their soil type, How they will prepare the soil and the list goes on.

The seed catalogs are arriving. That's a good place to start. After I have determined how much room is available, a seed and plant list can be formulated. I live in an area with high clay content in the soil and it is very difficult to prepare a good seed bed. Planning is required to find the necessary tillage equipment to break up more garden land and to amend the soil with the right organic matter to get and keep the soil loose for a good seed bed.

When choosing what plants to grow in my garden, I try to plant the most nutritious plants that my family will eat. Green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, and peppers are a staple in my family's garden. When time and room allow cucumbers, squash and pumpkins are also favorites.

Will I grow the tomatoes, peppers and broccoli from seed in the basement or will I buy plants at a nursery? That decision depends on the varieties of plants I decide to grow. There is great flexibility and choice in growing your own plants from seed, and you can be busy with gardening from planning to planting. The draw back is the if you have a problem with damp off or something else you will not be rewarded for your extra time and planning because you will have to settle for what you find at the nursery anyway.

Whatever you decide, if you raise a garden you will be rewarded with the best possible quality vegetables and you have control over your own chemical exposure.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Why Eat 'Whole Foods'?

Eating whole foods insures intake of the total amount of available nutrients in the proportion the food contains. A whole food diet has been suggested as good for our health and well-being, assuring that all nutrients available by nature in a natural way are consumed in their entirety.

Whole foods from vegetable sources include: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Studies have revealed that it is possible to contract disease from refined foods with parts missing. Polished rice has been linked to beri-beri, and plain cornmeal has been linked to pellagra, both of which are vitamin B deficiencies.

Elements of nutrition are not all found spread throughout the foods. Juices and tofu generally considered healthful are all missing fiber. The typical separation of wheat grains removes vital nutrients, The germ contains fat and vitamin E, the endosperm contains proteins and carbohydrates, and the aleurone layer of the bran contains the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. When wheat is fragmented in processing, vital nutrients are removed. It is easy to see the reasoning behind the whole foods movement in nutritional health.

My family has moved to a diet the contains more whole foods, but that is difficult to do completely. We continue to work on different aspects of implementing whole foods. This weekend we intend to experiment with whole grain pizza crust, breads, dumplings and noodles, etc.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month.

Heart disease if the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability.

The simple answers to avoiding heart disease are eat right and exercise often. Avoid cholesterol and triglyceride bearing foods like red meat, dairy and eggs. Eat more fruit and vegetables, nuts and berries, grains and legumes. I have reduced my meat, dairy and egg consumption. It has been fun to learn a whole new way of cooking.

A daily regiment of vigorous exercise is a good idea as well. At least 20 minutes of exercise that will get your heart rate elevated above normal is a good start. Work up to it at a safe pace. If you have concerns about the amount of exercise please consult your physician. I walk every day with the same group of people just like forming a small club. We can visit while we walk vigorously at a pace of 2 miles in 40 minutes. This is enough to warm me up and elevate my heart rate as recommended.

I also take supplements that work to avoid heart disease. I take an Omega 3 fish oil supplement, an immune booster, and a cellular detox product that I have written about several times. There are also fiber products and antioxidant products that support a healthy heart. See the sidebar "Related Links" for more information on supplements I recommend.

Be Healthy, Stay Active!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Detoxify at the Cellular Level

There are many detox products and activities that are available today. Detoxification at the cellular level is the best way because it detoxes the entire body. Most detox products only detoxify the digestive system, where it is administered through teas and activated charcoal, etc. Heavy sweat workouts are also forms of body detoxification, but do not address the whole body.

Activated liquid zeolite is sub-microscopic and is absorbed into the the blood stream and goes throughout the body, removing heavy metals and environmental toxins. Besides removing toxins, activated zeolite also balances pH, and improves the immune system.

The audio file "Toxic Storm" provides more supported information regarding the need to detoxify. It is 22 minutes long and has very good information. "Toxic Storm" is available in the sidebar Related Links.

Eat Healthy, Stay Active!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Superfoods for Natural Health

How about eating your way to health and prevent serious illness like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Super foods can do just that. These foods are all natural, available in your grocery store right now and possess 'super' amounts of good quality nutrients that your body requires to support a healthy immune system, and thus fight off disease.

A short list of the best super foods include: beans, blueberries, broccoli, oats, oranges, pumpkin, salmon, soy, spinach, tea, tomatoes, turkey, walnuts, and yogurt.

Watch for high fructose corn syrup in the yogurt, it may contain the harmful heavy metal, mercury.

Soy products are not recommended for people that have a history of breast cancer or other related cancers like prostate cancer due to the presence of phytoestrogens.

Yogurt is the only processed food in the list and guess what, it is the only one with a toxicity warning.

I have been implementing many of these super foods in my families diet for a while know and did not know it. Now that I have information to back me up and a longer list I will further adjust our diet.

There is a whole food super food supplement that contains Agarigus Blazei mushroom that has been genetically hybridized along with sasa bamboo that is second to none in supporting the immune system. Check it out in the sidebar links (Immune Booster Information). My family has been using this product since it has become public and have noticed great results pertaining especially to not getting sick during the cold and flu season.

Be Happy - Stay Active!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mercury Alert!!

Mercury was found in nearly 50% of tested samples of commercial High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). according to a recent article in the scientific journal, Environmental Health. HFCS is used in sweetened beverages, breads, cereals,breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments.

Looking at the above list would tend to make me think that our youth are very vulnerable to this mercury. Here's the link to the whole article.

Mercury has been linked to behavior disorders like ADHD, ADD, and Autism to name a few.

Mercury can be removed from the body on a cellular level. See sidebar information for hyperlinks to detoxification solutions.

Be Happy Stay Active!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Balance for Health, Not Just Nutritional

Balance is critical to good health. It prevents falls; helps us move along uneven surfaces, and keeps us upright for all types of activity. Balance can be achieved or improved if it is lost through aging, illness or injury. Improving balance can be a simple matter of standing on unstable surfaces and trying not to wobble and fall. With practice, there will be improvement. Visual focus is a large part of balance. When the eyes are open and focused on a single object, its easier to remain steady. The balance practice can also be a strength training activity. It will take muscle activity to adapt to the unstable surface. Once stability is achieved while standing, try lifting one leg off the unstable surface and balance then try the other leg. Keep making the activity more difficult to continue to improve balance.

I have just noticed a reduction in my balance and am going to renew my efforts to improve.

Be Happy Stay Active!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Floss Your Teeth?

I just read in Natural Health Magazine that there is more impact on your health from flossing your teeth than just cleaning all the way around your teeth. It appears that the bacteria associated with gum disease also triggers an immune response of inflammation throughout the body. So, flossing your teeth at least once per day could protect against many illnesses including heart disease, some forms of arthritis and even cancer.

I have been very poor at flossing my teeth. Up until now, the only reason I had for flossing teeth was to prevent tooth decay on the post teeth of a bridge in my mouth. Now that I have more reasons to floss my teeth, I have less difficulty taking the time to do it. I read this article three days ago and I have flossed my teeth the last two mornings. It is my plan to continue my daily flossing routine as a multiple benefit task. It will keep that bridge in my mouth longer, it will prevent the decay of my other teeth as well and it will remove the bacteria that may cause serious inflammation problems throughout my body.

Article was in Natural Health, February 2009 issue, page 83, article title "Your Best Health", Subtitle " 3 healing habits.

Be Happy- Stay Active!