Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Floss Your Teeth?

I just read in Natural Health Magazine that there is more impact on your health from flossing your teeth than just cleaning all the way around your teeth. It appears that the bacteria associated with gum disease also triggers an immune response of inflammation throughout the body. So, flossing your teeth at least once per day could protect against many illnesses including heart disease, some forms of arthritis and even cancer.

I have been very poor at flossing my teeth. Up until now, the only reason I had for flossing teeth was to prevent tooth decay on the post teeth of a bridge in my mouth. Now that I have more reasons to floss my teeth, I have less difficulty taking the time to do it. I read this article three days ago and I have flossed my teeth the last two mornings. It is my plan to continue my daily flossing routine as a multiple benefit task. It will keep that bridge in my mouth longer, it will prevent the decay of my other teeth as well and it will remove the bacteria that may cause serious inflammation problems throughout my body.

Article was in Natural Health, February 2009 issue, page 83, article title "Your Best Health", Subtitle " 3 healing habits.

Be Happy- Stay Active!

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