Water is such a basic and important aspect of human health that its discussion cannot be ignored. This post is linked to an extension bulletin designed for sports individuals, but the basic information about the importance of water in our bodies is relevant regardless of our level of activity.
Discover here the role that water plays in our bodies, the role in diet, the symptoms of dehydration, and the causes of dehydration.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
10 Reasons to Avoid Soda Pop
Here is a list of ten reasons to avoid soda pop complete with simplified explanations. There are subtle differences in brands of soda pop and the chemicals listed below vary in proportion from one formula to the next, but are contained is varying degrees in most soda pop formulas.
1. The phosphoric acid dilutes the hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract causing poor digestion.
2. The phosphoric acid spikes the body pH to an acid state from an alkaline state creating an excellent environment for disease to take hold.
3. Adding the extra phosphorous to the body sets off the 1 to 1 ratio of calcium and phosphorous required in the blood and calcium is removed from bones and teeth to restore the balance. This exchange action causes osteoporosis.
4. Carbonation irritates the stomach. The body calls for calcium to calm the irritation once again disrupting the calcium - phosphorous balance and removing calcium from bones and teeth.
5. Carbonation causes belching which in turn causes acids from the stomach to rise up past the esophageal value (acid reflux). The stomach acid dissolves tissue as is its purpose, causing lesions to occur. Lesions are tissue damage where cancer cells can take hold.
6. Caffeine causes dehydration thus causing a massive depletion of vital minerals.
7. Sugar also causes dehydration and a massive loss of vital minerals.
8. Sugar reduces the white blood cells ability to destroy bacteria. This low immune function can last up to 5 hours after sugar is consumed.
9. Sugar substitutes used in sugarless pops have not been adequately researched and have been linked to dangerous chemicals and environmental toxins.
10. Despite the plastic coating on the inside of soda pop cans, aluminum is still leached into the soda pop. Aluminum in brain tissue is linked to Alzheimer's disease.
This is the time of year when there is the most soda pop consumption. The information listed above has caused me to rethink my attitude about what I drink.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
1. The phosphoric acid dilutes the hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract causing poor digestion.
2. The phosphoric acid spikes the body pH to an acid state from an alkaline state creating an excellent environment for disease to take hold.
3. Adding the extra phosphorous to the body sets off the 1 to 1 ratio of calcium and phosphorous required in the blood and calcium is removed from bones and teeth to restore the balance. This exchange action causes osteoporosis.
4. Carbonation irritates the stomach. The body calls for calcium to calm the irritation once again disrupting the calcium - phosphorous balance and removing calcium from bones and teeth.
5. Carbonation causes belching which in turn causes acids from the stomach to rise up past the esophageal value (acid reflux). The stomach acid dissolves tissue as is its purpose, causing lesions to occur. Lesions are tissue damage where cancer cells can take hold.
6. Caffeine causes dehydration thus causing a massive depletion of vital minerals.
7. Sugar also causes dehydration and a massive loss of vital minerals.
8. Sugar reduces the white blood cells ability to destroy bacteria. This low immune function can last up to 5 hours after sugar is consumed.
9. Sugar substitutes used in sugarless pops have not been adequately researched and have been linked to dangerous chemicals and environmental toxins.
10. Despite the plastic coating on the inside of soda pop cans, aluminum is still leached into the soda pop. Aluminum in brain tissue is linked to Alzheimer's disease.
This is the time of year when there is the most soda pop consumption. The information listed above has caused me to rethink my attitude about what I drink.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Gastroesophageal reflux disease,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Dodging H1N1 and others!
Are you concerned about Swine Flu or H1N1?
Prevention is more fun than treatment and lingering until it passes.
Support your immune system and contagious diseases can be avoided without vaccines. It is not difficult to understand that in order to stay healthy we need to take care of ourselves in many aspects of our lives. Diet, exercise, nutrition, stress avoidance, mental health all play a part in boosting boosting the immune system.
I used to get sick 5 or 6 times per year with sinus infections that would last up to 3 weeks. I have not been sick since December of 2007. Here's is what changed in my daily routine since then.
1. I remove environmental toxins and heavy metals daily with an activated liquid zeolite,
2. I balance the pH of my body with the same zeolite.
3. I prevent the replication of viruses with the zeolite product as well.
4. I eat less animal protein from all sources.
5. I supplement my diet with a whole food based multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, super antioxidant, and herbal liquid nutrition product.
6. I take an immune boosting liquid agarigus blazei mushroom and sasa bamboo supplement that regenerates the natural killer cells of the immune system.
7. Although I had regularly exercised, I now walk every day besides my martial arts training 2 days per week.
8. I am more careful about what I eat.
These 8 activities that I use to avoid getting sick are simple and work when nothing else has to keep me healthy.
See the side bar for more information on products and the webinar in immune support.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Prevention is more fun than treatment and lingering until it passes.
Support your immune system and contagious diseases can be avoided without vaccines. It is not difficult to understand that in order to stay healthy we need to take care of ourselves in many aspects of our lives. Diet, exercise, nutrition, stress avoidance, mental health all play a part in boosting boosting the immune system.
I used to get sick 5 or 6 times per year with sinus infections that would last up to 3 weeks. I have not been sick since December of 2007. Here's is what changed in my daily routine since then.
1. I remove environmental toxins and heavy metals daily with an activated liquid zeolite,
2. I balance the pH of my body with the same zeolite.
3. I prevent the replication of viruses with the zeolite product as well.
4. I eat less animal protein from all sources.
5. I supplement my diet with a whole food based multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, super antioxidant, and herbal liquid nutrition product.
6. I take an immune boosting liquid agarigus blazei mushroom and sasa bamboo supplement that regenerates the natural killer cells of the immune system.
7. Although I had regularly exercised, I now walk every day besides my martial arts training 2 days per week.
8. I am more careful about what I eat.
These 8 activities that I use to avoid getting sick are simple and work when nothing else has to keep me healthy.
See the side bar for more information on products and the webinar in immune support.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Immune system,
Natural killer cell,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Second Brain or Take Care of Your Gut
Did you know that your gut contains more neuro-transmitters than your brain? It only stands to reason then that we should take care of that gut area. This area contains our liver, kidneys, bladder, large and small intestines, stomach and spleen. I was recently introduced to an series of acupressure points that support the gut by flushing toxins and rearranging the energy flow to and from those organs. If there is something wrong with our gut, more energy is required to stabilize it and less energy then is available for transfer to other areas of our body. The reason for my introduction to this technique was chronic low back pain. Here is the testimonial I left for Doctor Hestdalen.
My name is Jay and I am a third Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. As a martial arts instructor, I have to be flexible, strong and fast in motion. I have suffered from chronic low back pain for the last 41 years and this pain level has increased as I aged until it has begun to affect my activity level. Required activities like kicking, jumping, turning, sweeping and falling cause an incresed level of pain that now affects sleep. Reducing the toxic burden of my system or Second Brain has really helped. I am once again sleeping through the night without difficulty and am resuming a more normal activity level at the gym.
When I added the acupressuure points, as taught by Dr. Hestdalen in his Second Brain Teleseminar, I noticed a significant relief in my low back pain. I have increased my efforts to reduce my toxic burden and the energy drain that has been aggravating my low back for years. I recommend the Second Brain Teleseminar to anyone with chronic pain. Following the steps given is easy and the results are priceless.
Here are the three steps that I used to nearly completely eliminate my low back pain.
1. See chiropractor for spinal manipulation and reduce activity for a couple of days.
2. Increase level of intake on oral chelation supplement (activated liquid zeolite) to remove sequestered heavy metals and environmental toxins.
3. Use the Second Brain Acupressure techniques as described in the Second Brain Teleseminar.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
My name is Jay and I am a third Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. As a martial arts instructor, I have to be flexible, strong and fast in motion. I have suffered from chronic low back pain for the last 41 years and this pain level has increased as I aged until it has begun to affect my activity level. Required activities like kicking, jumping, turning, sweeping and falling cause an incresed level of pain that now affects sleep. Reducing the toxic burden of my system or Second Brain has really helped. I am once again sleeping through the night without difficulty and am resuming a more normal activity level at the gym.
When I added the acupressuure points, as taught by Dr. Hestdalen in his Second Brain Teleseminar, I noticed a significant relief in my low back pain. I have increased my efforts to reduce my toxic burden and the energy drain that has been aggravating my low back for years. I recommend the Second Brain Teleseminar to anyone with chronic pain. Following the steps given is easy and the results are priceless.
Here are the three steps that I used to nearly completely eliminate my low back pain.
1. See chiropractor for spinal manipulation and reduce activity for a couple of days.
2. Increase level of intake on oral chelation supplement (activated liquid zeolite) to remove sequestered heavy metals and environmental toxins.
3. Use the Second Brain Acupressure techniques as described in the Second Brain Teleseminar.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
On Recommending Exercise
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Although this study was of chronically ill adults, the concepts should work for healthy adults as well. The study suggests that cognitive approaches to suggesting exercise does not work. Like the proverbial broken record, people have heard it enough. They already know that exercise in important to their health and recovery.
The solution may be behavior changing strategies. Then the question becomes what types of activities will stimulate exercise, or the mind-set to exercise regularly? One of the most obvious is to set goals. Set a reasonable goal for low impact exercise like walking 20 minutes per day. Increase the goals as they are achieved. To begin with, it is more important that we do something every day for exercise, the goal is to set the habit of exercising. Then increase the goals to sustainable activity with longer time periods. To begin with even 12 minutes of walking will achieve results, but certainly more is better in this regard.
Put your walking shoes by the door, write down your goals, get feedback from friends and family, invite people to join you, self-monitor your activity in a calendar, record you accomplishments.
I started TaeKwonDo when my children wanted to quit and I wouldn't let them. I saw many benefits of social, mental, spiritual, and physical nature that I wanted them to continue. By making it a family venture, it became more acceptable to them. Two days a week of this more strenuous exercise must be tempered with a lower impact form of exercise the rest of the week.
Recently Judy and I have formed a walking group that meets daily at one of two prearranged places for an hour of walking together. It is more fun to walk with friends and we motivate each other. It is more difficult to do these things alone. Among our walking group are cancer survivors, stroke victims and diabetics. They benefit from the group activity to stimulate their interest in exercise.
Try these ideas to help you exercise and help others as well.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Mental health,
Physical exercise,
Recreation and Sports
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Heavy Metals Linked to Cancer
Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr
The problem is that these free radical heavy metals replace other vital minerals in the body causing immune deficiencies. Enzyme activity is disrupted when heavy metals replace these minerals. This enzyme disruption can cause DNA damage to cells and cause cancers to occur.
Zinc finger proteins are necessary for cell division. If mercury or cadmium has replaced the zinc in this protein, cell division cannot occur in those cells. This causes problems with healing from wounds, or surgeries, etc.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Heavy metal,
United States
Miracle Cancer Survivors
Image via Wikipedia
The medical community dismissed it as a fluke, as expected. What they don't know, they don't want to know. What they don't know can hurt and kill others. The close mindedness of some doctors absolutely astounds and frustrates me. I thought they all had scientific interests and should jump at a chance to examine such events.
It appears that there is a link between unrelated illness during cancer that triggers an immune response that strengthens the immune system to fight the cancer as well. Can an active and vibrant immune system fight and kill cancer cells? Can alternative and complementary health care be more than a placebo effect for cancer patients? It seems that this may be the case. Nutrition and supplementation may be the new cancer treatment.
Be Healthy, Stay Active!
Health care,
Immune system,
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