Monday, January 5, 2009

The Sloppy Vegetarian

I have been reading a lot about macrobiotic and vegetarian diets. For a long time I thought that these diets were dangerous and unrealistic for most people to even comprehend. This would hold especially true for me. I am a hunter and gatherer, so to speak and I bring home a lot of game for the table. So compromise is the name of the game for me. I am going to limit my animal protein intake in order to get some kind of idea of how these lifestyle changes will work in my life.

I have tried to limit my animal protein before with limited but good results. Within the first 2 months I dropped 15 pounds with no effort before I hit a plateau where I had no weight change for a month or more then dropped another 5 pounds. During the time I limited the animal protein, I had no health problems or concerns appear. My energy level increased and I felt good. I did take nutritional supplement to make sure that I was getting all the vitamins, minerals, poly phenols, herbs, and whole food fruits that I needed in my diet to remain healthy.

It is difficult to stay on such a diet with no family support. This started out as an experiment, but was so successful that I want to go back to it and continue with it. By setting the example of good health and feeling good, dropping excess weight I hope to inspire my family to join me. Currently I limit my animal protein to 2 or 3 ounces of meat 1 or 2 days per week. This will get the game out of the freezer by next fall and I can get the benefits a healthy lifestyle change.

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